@article{Isuwa_2023, title={Assessment of Digital Communication Technologies (Dcts) in Newspaper Publishing in Nigeria }, volume={5}, url={https://www.njomacs.com/paper/assessment-of-digital-communication-technologies-dcts-in-newspaper-publishing-in-nigeria}, abstractNote={This paper, Assessment of Digital Communication Technologies (DCTs) in Newspaper Publishing in Nigeria, examines how DCTs have influenced newspaper publishing in Nigeria. The paper is anchored in the Technological Determinism Theory (TD) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).The paper identifies the forms of DCTs in newspapers to include e-mail, phone calls, instant messaging, video conferencing, video, blog, podcast, streaming, and online newspapers. This paper has shown that areas of usage of DCTs cut across newsgathering, news processing, and news dissemination. The effects of DCTs on newspaper publishing in Nigeria are identified to include time saving, better access to news material, fast and easy editing, better sound quality, and rise to a high productivity and efficiency at a reduced cost. The paper indentifies the challenges associated with DCTs to capital intensiveness, epileptic power supply, poor network, and susceptibility to virus attack. The paper suggests that these challenges could be surmounted through improved power supply, robust antivirus installations among other things.}, number={1}, journal={Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies}, author={Isuwa, Sunday}, year={2023}, month={Aug.}, pages={134–141}}