@article{Agbamu_Onuegbu_Aliyu_2024, title={Influence of Broadcast Media’s Federal Road Safety Corps’ (FRSC) Seasonal Awareness Campaigns on Motorists’ Compliance to Traffic Rules in South-East Nigeria }, volume={5}, url={https://www.njomacs.com/paper/influence-of-broadcast-media-s-federal-road-safety-corps-frsc-seasonal-awareness-campaigns-on-motorists-compliance-to-traffic-rules-in-south-east}, abstractNote={The study was aimed at examining the influence of broadcast media’s Federal Road Safety Corps’ (FRSC) seasonal awareness campaigns on motorists’ compliance to traffic rules in south-east Nigeria. A descriptive survey was used to elicit information from 384 selected motorists in the zone. Findings revealed that average motorists do not obey road safety rules all the times. It was also found that the proportion of respondents (64.3%) who were not so exposed was higher than those who were exposed. The findings also showed that the relationship between broadcast media’s road safety corps’ seasonal awareness campaigns (level of exposure to these FRSC messages) and motorists’ compliance level to traffic rules reached statistical significance (r=.92, n=384, p }, number={2}, journal={Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies}, author={Agbamu, O. Bettina, Onuegbu, Okechukwu Christopher and Aliyu Khalid}, year={2024}, month={Jan.}, pages={146–159}}