@article{Ogande_Foseh_Mohammed_2024, title={Influence of Opinion Leaders in the Management of Covid-19 Information in Taraba State }, volume={5}, url={https://www.njomacs.com/paper/influence-of-opinion-leaders-in-the-management-of-covid-19-information-in-taraba-state}, abstractNote={This study investigated the influence of various opinion leaders, namely traditional, religious, and political, in the dissemination of accurate information regarding COVID-19 in Taraba State. The study sought to gauge the level of their participation, their efficacy, as well as the obstacles they encountered while managing COVID-19 information. Two step flow theory was used as the theoretical framework, and survey research design was adopted. The population of Taraba state residence according to National population commission and Bureau of statistic (2022) was projected at 3,609,800. Four hundred (400) respondents was determined using Taro Yamene formula to administered copies of questionnaire. The quantitative data were evaluated descriptively using statistical methods, particularly frequencies and simple percentages. Results revealed that opinion leaders contributed in the management of COVID-19 information in Taraba State and also played an active role in promoting awareness, mobilisation, and sensitization among their followers. Results further demonstrated that opinion leaders confronted many problems ranging from the complicated nature of COVID-19 to cultural and religious belief systems, among others. The study concluded that there is a need for coordinated efforts among health workers, traditional and religious leaders, and government officials, among other stakeholders, in the management of COVID-19 information in Taraba State. It is also recommended that the government use traditional and religious leaders in spreading COVID-19 preventive information. The study suggests that both traditional and religious leaders should be trained in the management of COVID-19 information, and the government and health organisations should prioritise the traditional and religious leaders in COVID-19 information management in Taraba State.}, number={2}, journal={Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies}, author={Ogande Anthony, Foseh Nehemiah and Mohammed Yakubu Salisu}, year={2024}, month={Jan.}, pages={134–145}}