@article{Philomena_Etop_2023, title={Media Digitisation: Problems and Prospects in Nigeria }, volume={5}, url={https://www.njomacs.com/paper/media-digitisation-problems-and-prospects-in-nigeria}, abstractNote={In the media industry, digitisation has recently emerged as a widespread trend, including developing nations. It has been mandated by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) that all broadcast stations worldwide must convert to digital operations by the year 2015. This study set out to examine the benefits and drawbacks of making the transition from analogue to digital technology. The method involved outlining the benefits of digitisation and then balancing them against the difficulties of putting digitisation into practise. As a result, recommendations were made to prevent or mitigate the effects of the identified difficulties. It was determined that the success of Nigeria's digitisation effort hinges on the meticulous application of existing policies in light of the proposed solutions.}, number={1}, journal={Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies}, author={Philomena Effiong Umoren and Etop Okon Akpan}, year={2023}, month={Aug.}, pages={90–97}}