@article{Titus_Maria_Gabriel_2024, title={Use of Integrated Marketing Communications in Managing Agro Processing Companies in Benue State, Nigeria }, volume={5}, url={https://www.njomacs.com/paper/use-of-integrated-marketing-communications-in-managing-agro-processing-companies-in-benue-state-nigeria}, abstractNote={This paper evaluates use of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMCs) in managing agro processing companies in Benue State, Nigeria. AIDA model, which is the acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action is used to explain the study’s theoretical framework while survey design was adopted, using questionnaire and oral interview as data collection instruments. Findings show that agro processing companies in Benue State deploy sales promotion, advertising, direct marketing or personal selling, use of mass media, exhibitions/trade fairs and public relations as their IMC activities. It is also found that use of IMCs by agro processing companies in the state facilitates growth and development of the companies by facilitating high sales, effective managerial activities, staff performance, cordial relationship and successful general operations. The findings show that the IMCs influenced growth and development of the companies on a very large scale despite some challenges to effective use of IMCs. Consequently, it is recommended, among others, that integration of marketing communication by agro processing companies in the state should not only be limited to sales promotion, advertising, direct marketing/personal selling, use of mass media, exhibitions/trade fairs and public relations but expanded to cover other applicable marketing communication apparatuses.}, number={2}, journal={Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies}, author={Titus Terhemen Leva, Maria Agbenu Onyilo and Gabriel Aer}, year={2024}, month={Jan.}, pages={87–100}}