@article{NDIJIDA_KIDAFA_GYIHYA_2024, title={Use of Media for Promoting Participation in Childhood Immunization among Mothers with Children Under Five Years (5) of Age in Jos North Local Government Areas (LGA) of Plateau State, Nigeria }, volume={5}, url={https://www.njomacs.com/paper/use-of-media-for-promoting-participation-in-childhood-immunization-among-mothers-with-children-under-five-years-5-of-age-in}, abstractNote={Globally, millions of children die from vaccine-preventable diseases each year, especially in African countries. Media can help mobilize the population, inform, clear doubt and rapidly increase immunization coverage. This study aims at assessing the Use of Media for Promoting Participation in Childhood Immunization among Mothers with Children under Five Years (5) of Age. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study using survey method in assessing the Use of Media for Promoting Participation in Childhood Immunization among Mothers with Children under Five Years (5) of Age. Agenda Setting Theory was adopted. Four hundred (400) mothers of children of under five years of age were selected through random sampling using multistage sampling technique. Data generated was entered and analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0 software. Findings showed that level of awareness through media (radio/television) is high with 74%, and there was a significant association between awareness of immunization through media (radio/television) and participation p=}, number={2}, journal={Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies}, author={NDIJIDA, Mary Anthony, KIDAFA, I.A. and GYIHYA Bamaiyi}, year={2024}, month={Jan.}, pages={122–133}}