@article{Ikaderinyo_2024, title={Use of Ticker in Television News Presentation by NTA and AIT Yenagoa: Attention-Grabbing- or Diversion Technique? }, volume={6}, url={https://www.njomacs.com/paper/use-of-ticker-in-television-news-presentation-by-nta-and-ait-yenagoa-attention-grabbing-or-diversion-technique-}, abstractNote={News is presented differently by the different mass media. Scroll bar, ticker or Crawler or crawl is a technique of presenting the synopsis of the news bulletin in animated form at the bottom of the television screen. This study sought to investigate if using a ticker, scroll bar, crawl, or crawler in television news presentations is an attention-grabbing or diversion technique. The study adopted the mixed method research design using survey and focus group discussion as data collection instruments. All residents in Yenagoa metropolis formed the study population which stood at 524,400 in addition to the universe of 56 NTA staff and 17 AIT staff for the focus group discussion. The sample size of 382 was arrived at using the Krejcie and Morgan sample size determination table of 1970. The purposive sampling technique was adopted, while the suitable theory adopted is the technological determinism theory. Findings show that the use of tickers in television news presentations serves as an information reinforcement technique, as well as enhances the understanding of audiences with hearing problems as television newscast is oral-based. This study concludes that diverse opinion exists between the audience and the staff of the television stations on the use of tickers in television news production. The author recommended among others that the use of scroll bars in television news presentations should be encouraged.}, number={1}, journal={Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies}, author={Ikaderinyo Ibambo Furomfagha}, year={2024}, month={Apr.}, pages={110–118}}