Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies

Effectiveness of Behavioural Change Communication Interventions in Reducing Intimate Partner Violence

Published: 2023-08-01
Author(s): Hafsah Haroon Umar
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a distressing social issue with far-reaching effects on individuals and communities worldwide. Researchers and practitioners have sought effective interventions to combat IPV and promote positive change. This conceptual analysis explores behavioural change communication interventions and their potential effectiveness in reducing intimate partner violence. Through a critical examination of existing literature and various theoretical frameworks, the study provides insights into the components, mechanisms, and limitations of these interventions. Behavioural change communication interventions strategically target the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours of individuals in abusive relationships. Transformative strategies, such as reshaping social norms and impactful communication campaigns, have shown promise in promoting positive behavioural changes and challenging harmful societal norms perpetuating violence. To maximize the impact of future interventions, contextual factors must be considered. Cultural norms, socioeconomic conditions, and legal frameworks play pivotal roles in shaping intervention outcomes. Rigorous study designs, such as randomized controlled trials and longitudinal studies, are imperative for establishing robust causal links between interventions and the reduction of IPV. Assessing the long-term sustainability of intervention effects and potential unintended consequences is crucial in developing evidence-based practices. Embracing technology and digital platforms as innovative means of disseminating behavioural change communication interventions can enhance scalability and engagement, making interventions more accessible and impactful. In conclusion, while behavioural change communication interventions show promise in mitigating intimate partner violence, a holistic and contextual approach is essential. By continually refining evidence-based practices and adopting innovative strategies, we can work towards creating safer and healthier relationships, ultimately building a society free from the pervasive grip of intimate partner violence.
Keywords: Intimate Partner Violence, Behavioural Change Communication Interventions, Effectiveness, Conceptual
Edition NJOMACS Volume 5 No 1, August 2023

Copyright Copyright © 2023 Hafsah Haroon Umar

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Journal Identifiers
pISSN: 2635-3091