Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies


2024-02-14 14:55:24
Nasarawa Journal of Multimedia and Communication Studies Journal portal is an open access peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal published by the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies Nasarawa State University Keffi. The journal is interdisciplinary in approach and has the objective of promoting research in Communication Technology, Mass Communication, Communication Arts, Media Arts, Media Studies, Public Relations, Advertising, Intercultural Communication, Rhetoric, Human Communication, etc. It accept for publication original, well researched, theoretical and empirical articles from individuals, institutions of learning, research centers, and reputable organisations.

Guidelines for submission of Manuscripts
To be accepted for review and subsequent publication, manuscripts must comply with the guidelines below:
  1. An electronic copy of manuscript (preferably as an attachment in MS Word) should be submitted to the Editor-in Chief via the journal email address.
  2. Papers should bear the title, name of author (s), institutional affiliation, email, and phone numbers.
  3. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the 7 edition format of America Psychological Association (APA) publication manual.
  4. Contributors must provide a brief headnote (abstract) of about 150-200 words.
  5. Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages in length and should be type on double line spacing on A4 size paper.
  6. Text should be in Times New Roman and in 12pt font size.
  7. Only original manuscripts written in English language would be considered.
  8. Manuscripts submitted for publication must not be previously published; neither should they be under simultaneous peer-review elsewhere.
  9. The journal retains the copyright of any published article.
  10. There should be consistency in spelling. Only British spelling should be adopted by contributors.
  11. Time bound papers. Time bound papers should not be belated with more than one year.
  12. Tables: Sources of data should be acknowledge below the tables.
  13. Manuscripts submitted for assessment should be accompanied with a non-refundable peer-review fee of N7000 (Seven thousand naira) to the journal account.
  14. Authors whose papers are accepted for publication after the blind peer review process will be required to pay a pagination fee of N25, 000 (twenty Five thousand naira) only to the journal account.
Editor in – Chief
Professor Mohammad Sani Rabiu
Nasarawa Journal of Multimedia and Communication Studies,
Department of Mass Communication,
Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria.
Phone: No: +2348069567565
Journal email:; Journal website: