Nasarawa Journal Of Multimedia And Communication Studies

Author's Guidelines

Article types

NJOMACS welcomes original and well researched articles in arts and social sciences for consideration. The manuscript should be concise as the topic, problem articulation, methods, results/findings and conclusion. Generally, the manuscript should not exceed 7000 words, including references (Research Articles), 4,500 words (Analyses and Reports), or 1,000 words (Book Reviews), respectively. The authors are advised to strictly adhere to the format and style of the journal by carefully reading the notes for contributors before submitting their manuscripts.

Book Reviews – should contain a short summary of the book's contentsthe main research issues covered in the book and their connection to international scientific discussions; an appraisal of the book’s theoretical framework, methods, formal weaknesses or strengths, and its contribution to the ongoing scientific debate. The book review should be headed by the following information: name and first name of the author(s), title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, ISBN, and number of pages. It should not contain footnotes or bibliographic notes

 Submission Policy
Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of NJOMACS shall be reviewed and considered for publication. All manuscripts submitted to the Editor for consideration must not be under consideration or published by another journal or publisher. As part of the submission process, you will be required to certify that you are submitting your original work, that you have the rights in the work, and that you are submitting the work for first publication in the Journal.

Submission of Manuscript
Authors are required to create an account with the journal to submit their manuscripts online and a copy sent to the Editor via email:

All papers should be written in English and spelling should generally follow the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Abstracts in other languages will be printed if the author so desires, together with an abstract in English. All abstracts must be provided by the author.

Preparation of the Manuscript
Authors are strongly advised to consult a recent issue of the journal to acquaint themselves with the general layout of articles. Manuscripts should be neatly typewritten on one side only of the paper (preferably A4). Double spacing must be used throughout, allowing wide margins (about 3cm) on all sides.

The paper should be prepared using the following format:

Title page
This should contain

  1. The full title, preferably of less than 20 words and containing the geographical location of the study (where necessary);
  2. A running title of not more than 48 letters and spaces;
  3. A list of up to 5 key words in alphabetical order suitable for international retrieval systems;
  4. The full name of each author;
  5. The Name of the institution in which the work was carried out;
  6. The present postal address of the author to whom proofs should be sent.

This should be a single paragraph not more than 150 words l, a concise summary of the paper, intelligible on its own in conjunction with the title and without abbreviations or references

Main Text
Broad division in the text should be indicated and sub-headings supplied where appropriate. Sub-headings, foreign words and books titles should be italicized. Quotations of more than 40 words should be indicated in lined with the APA 7th edition system.

Maps, Tables and Diagrams
Each map, table and diagram should be set out on a separate sheet of paper and their proposed position in the text clearly mapped out. Where possible, maps should be submitted on transparency. Only clear copies of tables and diagrams are accepted in case of direct photography and their source(s) clearly stated. 

The APA style of Referencing is preferred i.e. the surname of the author, year of publication and page number(s) should be given in parenthesis.

Following the APA 7th edition, references to literature in the text should conform to the ‘name-and-date’ system; as shown in the following examples:

In the Text:

  1. As earlier reported (Yusuf, 1990; Ayegba & Adejoh, 2020)
  2. According to Tar (2022), Tar and Bashir (2019, p. 15), Ayeni et al., (1990, p. 20) military assessment of terrain is centred on two aspects: Tactical and Strategic.
  • If a number of references are cited at one place in the text, they should be arranged alphabetically then chronologically. The names of cited journals should be given in full. Certain foreign language citations may be translated in English and this should always be done where the English alphabet is not used (e.g. Russia).

Journal Identifiers
pISSN: 2635-3091